In 2006 Pakhuis de Zwijger, a former refrigerated warehouse on the Piet Heinkade, opened its doors as a platform for social innovation & creation. We started creating programmes and projects focused on the city, our country and the world of tomorrow. Over the past 15 years, we have grown into a unique national and global platform that focuses on bringing people together and realising projects that contribute to the development of a more sustainable, fair and future-proof society.

Pakhuis de Zwijger is an accessible, independent and safe public meeting space for everyone. A contemporary ’talking house’ with a strong online media presence that focuses on dialogue as a form of conversation. A place where together we formulate ambitions and present different opinions and insights in order to arrive at creative solutions for the urgent and complex social issues of our time. Where we bring artists and designers together with scientists, policymakers, experts and citizens in all their diversity. Where together we visualise the cities and metropolises of tomorrow, test research results against the everyday practice and present technological and social innovation as alternatives to current policy and actual reality. And finally, above all, a place where we ask a lot of questions and tackle social issues as complex design assignments.

Social issues
We live in a time of great change and are in the midst of some major transitions. At a time when the scope and complexity of social and economic issues is growing, the direct links between the functioning of local, national communities and global relations, and the condition of our planet are becoming increasingly visible. We jump from one crisis into another; from the refugee crisis to the climate and energy crisis, from the nitrogen and water crisis to identity crisis and the crisis on the housing market. The global social divide is increasing, poverty and debt problems are piling up and unequal opportunities in education are getting worse.

Organising meetings and generating impact
The Pakhuis de Zwijger Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that produces approximately 600 programmes annually together with a large number of partners. The main theme and common thread is the future of daily life. The central question is ‘What kind of city/country do we want to live in, in five, ten, twenty and thirty years’ time?’ Our programme makers bring people and organisations together, build communities of practice, set up substantive editorial boards, place creatives in a central executive role, and together with our partners create programmes to inform and inspire. We map out possible solutions and host initiatives from relevant civil societal organisations that use our platform and expertise to generate and increase their impact. We also participate in European projects, government contracts and organise and moderate processes of co-creation in the city and region. We do this in-house in the various rooms within our own building, in the two New Metropolis locations that we have set up in the ‘Nieuw-West’ and ‘Zuidoost’ districts in Amsterdam, and at other locations in the metropolitan region and country.

Bringing systems and the living world together
Pakhuis de Zwijger and the two New Metropolis branches are working on developing and building impact coalitions; bringing together governments, knowledge institutions and large companies (the systems) on the one hand, and citizens’ initiatives, social organisations, small and medium-sized enterprises and local entrepreneurs (the living world) on the other. In order to arrive at sustainable solutions for urgent social issues, these programmes link daily practices, scientific research and policies. In our programmes and activities, we invite the six stakeholder groups to enter into discussions with each other and come together to develop creative and innovative approaches.

City and country for all
Our city of Amsterdam is becoming increasingly diverse in terms of the population. Rotterdam, The Hague and Amsterdam are now all three cities without a clear majority. Something that has long been the case in many major cities, such as London, Paris and New York. Pakhuis de Zwijger is explicitly programming for this development: in the form of content, in the composition of the speakers, its own HR policy and in the choice of moderators. The starting point in our programming is making the city and the country of the future together; for all of us. Sustainable and just, prosperous, safe and healthy. With equal opportunities for all people.

Governments, knowledge institutes, companies, entrepreneurs, citizen initiatives and social organisations can connect to our platform and the activities of Pakhuis de Zwijger and its branches in various ways. The types of collaborations with organisations and individuals can vary from editorial board member, content and/or financial partner, to sponsor or co-producer. Or just through friendship or donations. The content and the intended impact are always paramount.


Aankomende programma’s
Kringwijs presenteert: training voor buurtbewoners 1
Iemand Erbij
Leer hoe je het best kunt handelen in een crisissituatie met uiteenlopende problematiek.
Vandaag, 09.30
In conversation with Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu-Sittah
The Rights Forum hosts a talk with the renowned Palestinian-British doctor Ghassan Abu-Sittah about his time as a surgeon in Gaza, where he witnessed the deliberate destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system.
Vandaag, 15.00
Koop kaarten
Spelenderwijs 1
Ruis in m’n hoofd
Theater meets wetenschap. Een interactieve onderzoekssessie over het mentale welzijn van jongeren.
Vandaag, 19.30
United Unplugged
United Unplugged biedt opkomende artiesten een platform om hun muziek te delen en zichzelf te presenteren in een intieme setting.
Vandaag, 19.30
Book launch & after talk
Higher Ground
How business can do the right thing in a turbulent world. In conversation with Alison Taylor about her new book Higher Ground.
Vandaag, 20.00
The author is present 1
Liefde & Therapie
Een avond met Marijke Schermer, Roefke Carmiggelt-Polak, Elisabeth van Nimwegen en Tamar van den Dop over liefde, vriendschap, huwelijken en scheidingen.
Vandaag, 20.00
Back by Popular Demand: Open Mic Returns
Your stage awaits!
di 21 mei, 19.30
The Flexible City 4
Samenwerken aan de Openbare Ruimte
Hoe richten we de openbare ruimte integraal in zodat deze klimaatadaptief en circulair wordt en blijft.
di 21 mei, 20.00
Boekpresentatie & nagesprek
Baren buiten de box
Hoe ziet discriminatie er tijdens zwangerschap en baring uit, en hoe kunnen we de geboortezorg rechtvaardiger maken?
di 21 mei, 20.00
Een Groen Referendum
Op 6 juni kunnen Amsterdammers stemmen voor of tegen de Hoofdgroenstructuur. Wat valt er eigenlijk te kiezen?
di 21 mei, 20.00
Jong Amsterdam
Journal Club
Een plek om samen met anderen je dagboek bij te houden onder leiding van orthopedagoog & dichter Maame Hammond.
wo 22 mei, 19.00
Artsen zonder Grenzen 2
De mentale impact van oorlog
Wat doet oorlog met de psyche, zowel in crisisgebied als hier?
wo 22 mei, 20.00
NRC Correspondentenavond
In gesprek over de uitdagingen waar de wereld in 2024 voor staat.
wo 22 mei, 20.00
Groene Transitie 39
De internationale strijd tegen Shell
Klimaatverhalen van advocaat tot activist. Hoe zorgde activisme voor het winnen van vervuilers zoals Shell?
wo 22 mei, 20.00
Trouw x PdZ 34
De kern van de zaak
Alles wat je moet weten over kernenergie.
do 23 mei, 19.30
Roots & Resilience: Caribbean Perspectives on Climate Change
Everyone within the Dutch Kingdom is facing the same storm, but we are not all on the same boat.
do 23 mei, 20.00
Kringwijs presenteert: training voor buurtbewoners 2
Iemand Erbij
Leer hoe je het best kunt handelen in een crisissituatie met uiteenlopende problematiek.
vr 24 mei, 09.30
Listening Session and Q&A
BIG DANO’s EP Listening Session
A gathering of creatives, music enthusiasts and fans alike to be the first hear BIG DANO's latest musical project titled; 'Above All Self'.
vr 24 mei, 19.30
Unwanted Words
Poeting Queer History
Celebrate the rich tapestry of LGBTQ+ experiences through the power of poetry.
vr 24 mei, 20.00
Designing Cities for All: RE-generation 24
The Communities of DenCity
(Re)Designing Connection w/ Shibaura House #2: How do we foster community connection in today's dynamic urban life?
ma 27 mei, 20.00
In de spotlight